Our Social Justice Commitment

It’s time to be more vocal about our values. So it’s clear that BIPOC families can be fully seen and heard here. So LGBTQIA+ families know that “healthy families” means YOUR families. 

Considering getting counseling from us?

These are our promises to you:

  1. We will treat you as the only expert on your experience.

  2. We will strive to match you with a therapist who makes you feel safe, understood, and valued. We will do so for BIPOC families, nonbinary individuals, and LGBTQIA+ families by hiring

    • Anti-racist therapists with experience serving communities of color and genuine respect for the families therein.

    • Therapists who are LGBTQIA+ allies. Our therapists believe in your right to partner with and love the person of your choice. And we know that your gender identity can be determined only by you.

  3. We will keep re-examining our own assumptions. We will work to correct the biases we find within ourselves.

  4. We will challenge racist, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, and Islamophobic statements wherever and whenever we see or hear them.

  5. We will recognize that anger is a natural response to systemic racism and other injustices. We will not treat this anger as a clinical problem.

  6. We will understand that you come into our offices having endured microaggressions, and make every effort not to repeat those microaggressions in our work with you.

  7. We will maintain an understanding of multiracial identities and intersectionality.

  8. We will remember that injustice creates trauma. We see that systems of injustice undo our healing work faster than we can do it.  We will seek ways to end this injustice and eliminate harm rather than simply healing it.*

*For more information about this commitment, click here.


Black Families Matter


What's Really Going On? Wisdom from our Teen Therapist